Morecambe Town Council employs a small team of dedicated officers to facilitate its administration and manage its service delivery. You can find out more about their collective and individual roles below. 

The role of officers 

Officers undertake a wide range of duties to support the legal functions of Morecambe Town Council, advising on whether its decisions are lawful and recommending ways in which decisions can be implemented. To help with this, officers can be asked to research topics of concern to the Council and provide unbiased information to help the Council make appropriate choices. Officers take instructions from the Council as a body, with the Council responsible for all decisions made. As public office-holders, officers are both servants of the public and stewards of public resources. They are therefore required to adhere to the seven principles of public life – selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, and leadership – when fulfilling their role. 


Chief Executive (town clerk) 

The Chief Executive is the Council’s principal executive and adviser and ultimate line manager for all other staff. It is their duty to assist councillors on matter of fact and law. They are required to give clear guidance to councillors before decisions are reached, and play a key role in advising the council, and councillors, on governance, standards of conduct and procedural matters. They act within the capacity as the Head of Paid service and Responsible Financial Officer, responsible for promoting the efficient running of council services, monitoring financial health, and working closely with members to set the future strategy of the local authority. 

Finance Officer 

The Finance Officer is responsible for leading the Council’s administrative financial function, managing day-to-day accounting and related systems, performing specific duties relating to the budget, annual accounts and audit, and ensuring proper financial management and transparency. 

Communications Officer 

The Communications Officer is responsible for promoting the work of the Council to a wide-reaching audience and engaging the public with its activity.  

Administration Officer 

The Administration Officer provides administrative support for projects and day-to-day management of the authority, assisting the other officers in delivering the directives of the Council. 

Town Rangers 

The Town Rangers are responsible for delivering the Council’s public realm services, including weed management and pruning of shrubs, designed to boost the appearance of open spaces and increase civic pride across the town. 

Events Officer (vacant) 

The Events Officer is responsible for development and delivery of a first-class events programme, ensuring they are run professionally, safely, and provide an excellent customer experience. 

Public Realm Supervisor (vacant) 

The Public Realm Supervisor is responsible for managing the team of Town Rangers, leading the Council’s contractual work, overseeing all grounds and maintenance works, and assisting in the practical delivery of the Council’s events programme. 

Organisational structure

This image shows the organisational structure of Morecambe Town Council as a diagram. The Town Rangers report into the Public Realm Supervisor; the Public Realm Supervisor and other officers report into the Chief Officer; and the Chief Officer reports to The Council.

About staff salaries

The Council’s officers, including the Chief Officer, are employed under the nationally agreed Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) terms and conditions. Pay increases relating to cost of living are agreed nationally by the NJC and JNC negotiating bodies. The Transparency Code 2015 requires Morecambe Town Council to publish the details of certain senior employees whose salary is at least £50,000. Such details include remuneration, job title, and responsibilities. Furthermore, employees whose salaries are £150,000 or more must also be identified by name.

The Council currently has one employee (its Chief Officer) whose remuneration is within the SCP 46-49 bracket. This bracket falls into a pay grade which currently starts from £28.76 per hour, up to £30.88 per hour (FY2324 – £58,000-£63,000). The Council’s statutory Chief Officer is remunerated in accordance with their technical expertise and experience. The terms of service of all posts are governed by the National Joint Council for Local Government National Agreement on Terms and Conditions of Service (the NJC Green Book). No bonuses are offered to any employee. More detail on the responsibilities of the Chief Officer (Proper Officer and RFO) can be found in the Council’s Standing Orders.

Find out more about Data Transparency at Morecambe Town Council.